Pre-writing posts

This is more of a test than anything else.

I’ve been looking into ways of posting stuff, but doing it in such a way that it doesn’t show up on the day I write it.  (since I have have a habit of posting things in groups, not on a daily basis).

I believe I have found a way of doing it; if it works, this will show up on Thursday even though it was written on Wednesday.

Maybe someone will see the blog on wednesday and then on thrusday so they’ll be able to verify that the post did, in fact, show up later than it was written.

One comment

  1. wish i could help you. Sometimes i check the family blog every day, and find nothing new, and sometimes i skip a few days and then find many entries that are days old and feel like i am the last to know.

    Unfortunately this is one of the skipped several days times.  Try it again.