Ramona scores a coup


Local bookstore put them out early and I scored! Have my own copy of Children of Hurin, which is going to be released to the public on April 17th!!!

book on bookshelf
Cover of book
Me holding the book

Happy, happy, happy, happy day


  1. Oh yes.

    As CT (Christoper Tolkien) says, this book is written for the post-movie fan – someone who’s read the LotR, but can’t get through the historical tone of the Silmarillion or the HoME. You can skip the intro and appendices and not know any of the back story and still enjoy CoH.

    And if you do know all the back story, then it’s still very enjoyable. It’s all in JRRT’s text, so the style and words and all are very familiar. It’s like always having had the Cliff Notes or Readers Digest Condensed version of the story, and then suddenly having the real thing. All the characters and events are familiar, but having all the details is wonderful.

    Of course, if you don’t know the story, and are looking for something with a happy ending as in LotR, or another hobbit story – as JRRT’s original publishers – then it’s probably not for you. This is not exactly a happy story.

    Actually, my one complaint is that they end the story too soon. I mean, yes, the name of the book is Children of Hurin and not the Curse of Morgoth, but I found it additionally moving that after Hurin was ‘realeased’ from the curse, he still was the proximate cause of the destruction of Gondolin. For me, I guess the story is the curse itself and it’s ramifications through the family of Hurin – I feel that the children’s part in it is simply that, a part of it. But the book is simply about the Children – well, mostly about Turin, of course. And that’s the way it was planned and executed.

    Because really, the Fall of Gondolin is one of the other great stories in its own right, and the role of the Curse is just part of that. But still, it adds to me understanding of the CoH, and it would have been nice to have had it mentioned.

    Everything else was marvelous. So Happy.

  2. OOHHHH!!!

    Such a happy day. Today is release day – real release day 🙂 And there’s an online release party.

    And I won one of the prizes!!!!! Wooooo!!!

    Not one of the top prizes (missed the Mathomium, which was the top prize in my book) but still – I won a prize!!! A $25 gc to rowns.com, a tolkien-specific online bookstore for used & collectable books. Totally cool.

    I missed the chat with Verilyn Fleiger, so disappointed, but I did watch the chat with Matt Blessing (collection director at Marquette) and I even asked questions of Jef Murray (artist), which I thought was very daring.

    So. . . big happy day. And they’re doing a live read tonight (sometime around midnight for you guys) – going to be So Much Fun. http://www.middle-earthradio.com/