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Literature Map is a site that can help you find authors you may like, based on authors you do like.

Type in the name of a favorite author, search, and the results are authors commonly enjoyed by those who like your author.


  1. Interesting. Reminds me of the Library Thing features; their Book Suggester. Very interesting stuff.

    Though with Library Thing, what I do more often is look at collections that have been flagged as matching mine, and I just look around at what else they have. More voyeuristic that way; more like going to a friends house and looking around at their bookshelves.

    I have been enjoying Library Thing, by the way. I’m Majella, if you want to voyeuristically look through my bookshelves as well.

  2. Reminds me in a way of Pandora does recommendations off music, but it is a bit less flexible than the book places.

    I still think about getting an account there or other places for the purpose of indexing the books I do have.