the urge to photoshop

do you mind my playing with your pictures?

I like this one… it’s sweet… but i think it’s better for adjusting the colors. It is hard to get true colors inside. I dislike the flash because it washes out the center, but without the flash, the colors are often a little off or dull. Fortunately with photoshop it is possible to correct.

I have been playing with curves lately. Curves is very useful for correcting color and light. I don’t feel like i know what i am doing yet. I did this picture 3 times… well, finished it once, but started it 3 times. I like the final one (of course – would not have posted it if i hadn’t) but i may do it again one day.

And, Chris, the question is serious…. I liked this one enough to post it, but i do wonder how you feel about my photoshopping your photos? When i do it do you want to see the changed one? or does it slightly irritate?


  1. Hack away.

    I don’t have photoshop (or other similiar programs) so I can’t mess with all the fun software stuff.

    I’ve head many great things that can be done with curves and levels. I have read that if you only learn one thing with editing pictures, curves would be it. (in terms of how much you can do with them)

    I’m half-way tempted to load up more of my pictures just so you can have plenty of photoshop fodder. Maybe next time you visit you can browse around the 1300+ photos I’ve taken thus far. (if you took out duplicates, that would probably only be 800 shots… take out bad shots and you’re probably down to a comfortable 10 shots. ;0 )

  2. Thought I’d add that there are many shots that I think could be really awesome and great, but the colors are not right so they don’t get posted anywhere.

    Maybe I should make an area called ‘photoshop fodder’.

  3. I have no problem with it.

    I’ve seen some photos that you wouldn’t know the source and final result were the same picture without being told. I’m interested to see what you do with them.

    If you want I can see if I have the .cr2 (RAW) files of some pictures. I’ve started shooting in that format to be able to do the most editing later with them. (so there wouldn’t be any jpeg conversion loss)

  4. i have never worked with RAW. It would be interesting to see what difference it makes.

    If I could upload to a folder in your gallery i could upload the changed ones full size. I could also upload to the folder you gave me.