New Years Resolutions

So, anybody have anything they want to admit to?

My only real goal this year is the general ‘improve the house’ goal.  Add more storage, clean up the garage, toss out stuff we don’t need anymore; stuff like that.  I’m not setting any special personal goals as I’m not sure what goal to set.  There is always the general ‘get more exercise’ option though.


  1. When she was here Ramona suggested we look at last years resolutions. I did not really need to look to remember what my resolutions were (they are always the same). Still, in a depressing way, it is interesting to see what our resolutions were.

    I did not do well keeping mine, except that i did get part of the house painted (Trip did most of the work, but it still counts.)

  2. looking back, my results are as follows:

    (exercise more) – did well in summer, fell of when it got too cold to walk

    (journal more) – hahahahahahahahahaaa. haha.

    (read more paper book) – did, but want more

    (remove Stuff) – did a little, now need to get it out of the garage. Still much more to do though.

    (clean more) – eh, kinda. hard to clean when (remove stuff) isn’t done yet.

    Some days I think I just need to get rid of 80% of the things I’ve acquired over time that I haven’t looked at for over a year. (the 20% would be sentimental/useful things I want to keep around)

  3. I feel an ebay urge coming on. Selling, that is. If any of your useful stuff is good enough you might consider giving it to me to ebay. At least till i become disillusioned again and decide it is more satisfying to just freecycle.

  4. Well, here’s how I did ..

    Physical –
    Goal: VO2 Max to improve from 33 to 38. Actually, in the follow-up test last month, it dropped to 25. Horrors!!
    Goal: bicep strenth score from 45 to 60. Follow up test result was 54. Not to goal, but I’m OK.

    Career to be “on track”. For whatever reason, last year marked a real turning point for the career. I just need to pull myself together and keep that going this year.

    So – resolutions this year.

    Physical – Get that cardio score up. I’m thinking of getting a heart monitor so I can track progress as I work out. But I need to do at least 1 full hour of cardio (in whatever time increments) each week.

    Career – keep on top of things; stay organized; make sure I respond to work requests in a timely fashion. 90% of success is showing up (says one of my bosses).

    Social – I need to make roots here. It will either be through theatre or volunteering. This year, I resolve to get involved with at least one group of either variety.

    And in the wouldn’t it be nice category (these aren’t resolutions, just things it would be nice to do more of) –
    > cook more healthy
    > keep in touch with friends more
    > get house organized

  5. I have made a couple of resolution that have nothing to do with health or weight.

    When Andrea and Fred were coming I cleaned house. I made a plan to clean the house over a weeks time so i did not wear myself out the day before which is usually what i do. Over the week i thought that this is what i should be doing all the time, cleaning the bathroom one day and the tops another day. I have tried to do this before… But i am going to try again to do one housecleaning task a day.

    The other thing that caught my notice was how long it took to put things away. I am very bad about leaving things where i used them instead of putting them away. I don’t know why it is so easy to get things out and so hard to put them back. So I am going to try to put things away when i am finished with them. Again, i have tried to do this before, but I am going to try again to develop the habit.