Google Sky

Was anyone else aware of this?

Google Sky

Looking up stars, constelations, all that good stuff is neat and all but the feature that really hits me as ‘cool’ is the ‘historical overlay’.  Essentially, and overlay of all the constelations.  Ever wonder where one is?  Search for it; I was able to verify that I do, in fact, know where Gemini is.

Anyway, it’s an interesting way to spend a few minutes.

One comment

  1. Yup … seen it. Unfortunately, I’d seen Starry Night first ……

    Starry Night is the software that came with my telescope. Think Google Sky, but with information. (you can click on any point of light and it will tell you what it is and all sorts of other stuff) I love Starry Night.

    But yes – such things are marvelous ways to spend the daylight hours. They are also good prep for when you get to go out and look at the real thing.