Balancing Act

The parking at work is a gravel lot. There was some debate about having it paved, but that would require the removal of shade providing trees. I’ll take gravel and shade over pavement and blistering sun.

One of the nice things about having gravel is the creativity it allows. I could rake it into paths, but that would probably take longer than my lunch hour. I also doubt the work folk would appreciate me turning our parking lot into a zen garden. I could also smooth out a section and do some rock art; a big smily face perhaps. Best if I could do the entire parking lot before satelite imagry was taken, for pure entertainment value. The last thing that came to mind was attempting to stack some of the rocks. Rock stacking is an art. I’ve seen beach pictures of a stack five or six large rocks high. I had quite enough trouble with the two rocks I did balance. Adding a third proved to be beyond me. Perhaps it was rock choice, but I now have a new lunch hour hobby.


  1. I find your new lunch time hobby delightfully strange. I predict you will soon be a rock balancing master. (And i think zen raked gravel would be fine. I know i would appreciate it.)

  2. Nice hobby … very soothing. I like it!

    And I would be nicely amused if I came to work and found the parking lot raked. Actually, you could collect some like minds around the office and have some real fun with it .. at least, I could see that happening. Working in the environment you do would foster that sort of spontaneous creativity, I’d think.

  3. Raking the back area would probably get me a lot of funny looks around here. People already look at me askance for sitting out there over the lunch hour writing/drawing in my journal.

    Still, it would be kinda fun to do.