Office Space

Here is a decent shot of my ‘office space’. We don’t do doors and we also don’t really have any desks that don’t have curves somewhere. We can thank the design firm that owned this office space before us.

A few mundane details:

I do put my monitors so they are wider than tall; worth it for coding and reading documentation. I also test our application in a lower resolution, so it fits one screen perfectly. (well, and that’s the normal resolution of most of our users too)

The desk space on the left side is mostly storage space. I love it as it keeps my space empty. I also keep my office phone over there as I don’t use it much.

Yes, I do have two trash cans. Dunno how that happened exactly.

That blue cable along the back wall is my power connection because there is no power plug in the wall on the side my computer sits.

I know the glaring white power cable for my under-shelf lights doesn’t fit the decor. I didn’t have time to do better, and it works… so it remains.

And yes, that is a Red Swingline stapler. It’s the best stapler in the office, so it is often stolen/borrowed. Not sure if that counts as irony or not, but it makes me laugh.

Also, if you click the link through to flickr, I’ve made other notes on the picture itself.


  1. I didn’t know you were moving! I am sure the new place has it’s good points, but i so liked the old place. It had so much personality.

  2. No, not moving.

    This is just a picture about my current space.

    If I did move, it would only be moving to another spot in the building.

  3. Haven’t moved yet. Still in same place as always.

    However, there is talk of a massive re-organization of the office space. We might be getting a few new people in, and some of the existing folk might be in the office more often. Often enough to warrant dedicated desk space.

    They have talked about knocking down some walls to make a physical space that would work, or just moving me out so they’d take over the general area I’m in, or maybe moving other people around.

    Personally, I wouldn’t mind getting moved. Would make me get rid of extra cruft and a new place could change the office dynamic for the better. Could be nice being closer to the rest of the developers around here.