Missed the party, but I got the book.

Of old was an age
when was emptiness

And then they published!
Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun

The release party, including the book giveaways and conversation with Tom Shippey (who I don’t much care for as an author, but still) were all today. And I had to work. At home. Unsupervised.


But, dashed out the second the conscience let me, and got my copy. It is pristine. It has perfect edges. And my book covers are PACKED so I can’t COVER it so I can’t READ it cause I would Mess It Up.


But I have the book. The lovely, lovely book.

And this weekend, I went to the library, and checked out 4 books, one of which I read (Bonk, every bit as good as Stiff, but even more viscerally disturbing in sections), one of which (Dracula, the original Bram Stoker one, and it’s really pretty good) I’ll finish tonight, and two I have left to distract myself with (biography of Edgar Allen Poe, and This is Your Brain on Music).

If the library is all I have to distract myself with, I’ll be at the library a lot. Or I’ll just go get a pair of white gloves.


  1. I read the Amazon reviews and i think i will be reading Bonk and This is your Brain on Music. And if the writer of Bonk is as funny as they say she is, i will probably read her other 2 books.

    The library is a wonderful place, but I know you miss your books. I hope you do not live for too long with everything that makes your home yours in storage.

  2. Bonk merited its own entry. Brain on Music is more challenging .. but I’m in the initial chapter on music terminology, and I’m having a rough go of it. Those blessed souls who learned an instrument will have a real leg up on this one.

    I try not to think about my books in storage too much. It just hurts, and there isn’t anything I can do about it. It’s like part of me is spliced into 20 boxes and stored off-site.

    That poor giant who kept his heart in a box. The fairy tale never tells you what a miserable existence that is.