
I just watched a really, really good movie. The name is Ink – the website is Double Edge Films (they’re the production company). Anyway, the website has a couple of trailers. It’s an indy movie, so you won’t have heard of it.

Their website does a much better job of describing it without making it sound overly bizarre. So I recommend that you go there and watch the trailers. But here goes – In the world of our dreams, there are good guys – they deliver good dreams – and bad guys. Then there’s Ink, who wants to be one of the bad guys and has to kidnap and deliver a young girl out of the real world to the assembly of bad guys in the dream world in order to be accepted by them. And then the good guys try to get her back.

And there are plenty of violent fight scenes, and the plot is complicated, and they don’t tell you everything (but in a good way), and at the end I really cared about the pivotal character.

And I would sooo see it again and I hope they get an actual distributor and I recommend that everyone watch it when it’s eventually available on DVD.

I even liked it with the jumpy film techniques and the occasional stobe light sort of thing that did its very best to floor me with a massive headache. But I have taken a massive amount of Advil (I’m out of Relpax, curses!) and I didn’t watch the very jumpy parts and it was a Very good story.

One comment

  1. looks interesting, though there are no showings nearby.

    Maybe if they make it to DVD I’ll remember to check it out.