Luke tangled with a bee

Luke went mowing yesterday and a bee got him. Fortunately he is not allergic and fortunately the one that landed near his ear canal didn’t sting. We took a couple of pictures and I cropped the daylights out of them but they are still big. I wanted to show you the swelling. You can see the sting right above his eyebrow. Also note the indentation made by his glasses.

I tell him that if he does not behave I am going to hit him again.


  1. Oh, eww, eww, ewww!!!

    That is very impressive swelling. I am very glad he is not allergic.

    Should call those beekeepers before going back out to mow the lawn, though.

  2. Yes, it was at Mark’s. The house is up on blocks and the bees live under, I suppose, in the space under the floor, in one corner. He always hates mowing around them, but sometimes all he has to do is get close.

    Did I tell you that Brad lost all his bees? He had several hives and was just beginning to produce honey well, and then one day they were all gone. What are we going to do if all the bees die?

    If Brad could capture, I’d offer him these bees. Of course, maybe he should not introduce new bees to the old hives. Maybe what gets them is still there. Luke keeps saying he is coming to contact someone to come get them but he hasn’t yet.

    The swelling was almost gone by the end of the day. Should have photographed him when he first got up and it was worse, but it was still bad enough when we thought to document.