New address

The move is almost completed – we’ll be out of here on Saturday.

So for anyone keeping track, here is the new contact information:

14717 Vine Street
Thornton, CO 80602

303 452-3077

That’s the new phone number. However, if anyone is updating phone numbers, may I suggest updating to my forwarding number instead – 970 480-7529. That number will be mine forever. Well, as long as both I and Google Voice are around, anyway.

A passing in the family

Doreen, Sean’s mom, has died. She had a heart attack about a week ago and has been in a steady decline since then. Yesterday the doctors made the call to put her in hospice care and to take her off all medications.

Around 9:00pm today she passed on.


Well, today was the day. Luke had his colonoscopy and it wasn’t good. They found a tumor large enough to constrict but not block in the lower bowel. He is going to have to have it removed. We expect to find out if it is malignant on Tuesday. They were not able to examine the upper colon but will when they remove the tumor. That will probably be within the next 2 weeks.

Luke feels fine…. and this is not as shocking as it would be if we did not expect it. Will keep you posted.