Christmas Eve Gift 2012

Since the earth does not show signs of ending, like the Mayan calendar fortold, and there are unlikely odds on there being a massive or not so massive Zombie attack, I have chosen a blast from the past as this years theme.  As such I am highly recommending that all gifts be purchased from “The Vermont Country Store“.

This store has a little of everything from the past.  Thirteen different categories from Food and Candy to Flannel Sleepwear.  I do not get a kick-back from the store nor do I own stock in the parent company, just think this is an interesting place to visit occasionally.  This seemed like a good occasion.

Try to find something that will be useful for the person you are buying the gift for, no need buying either a dust catcher or a potential garage sale item.

Comments, questions and kudo’s are welcome; criticism, complaints and bad manners can go sit in the corner.

You now have the criteria for this years Christmas Eve Gift, good luck.


Names were written on small pieces of paper and the slips put in a box.

Here are the results:

Luke drew Chris

Nelia drew Joseph

Ramona drew Luke

Joseph drew Christina

Chris drew Ramona

Christina drew Nelia

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