Christmas planning

There have been some conversations, but I wanted to make it explicit – Dad has the Christmas Cat.

I don’t remember if I said anything last year about it .. if anyone else out there thought they had the Cat, let me know and I’ll take my flogging.

And on the same topic …

Joseph & I are going to do something a little different to control costs this year. For the adults (just the adults), we’re only going to get one thing from both of us. Chris gets something from Joseph & Ramona; Dad gets something from Joseph & Ramona .. etc. If anyone would like to do the same to/for us, that would be welcome.

With that kind of approach in mind, on my wishlist there’s a section of things that will work very nicely as gifts to both of us. So if Chris & Christina wanted to get one thing for Ramona & Joseph .. there’s a list for it. It would have worked to put it anywhere, I guess, but Joseph is still getting used to having a list 🙂

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