

As everyone knows, Mileva has been having trouble for some time. She had slowly worsening kidney issues diagnosed back in North Carolina, which I think accelerated due to age and the stress of a new alpha cat and a baby in the household.

She was also having issues with arthritis, and of course the stress of having her food moved around all the time as we tried to find ways to keep Eleanor out of it.

So we’ve known her time was coming.

This morning she started vomiting blood. Not huge amounts, and it stopped and she seemed fine … but cats are going to seem fine for as long as they can fake it. It was enough of a sign for me that things were worsening for her to that ‘quality of life’ point.

So we had her put down today.

I hate it, and I hate that it was necessary. As one always does. But I sincerely believe it was the right thing to do and the right time to do it.

I miss her, of course, and tonight is going to be especially hard (we didn’t have a cuddle every night, but night time was cuddle time when we could).

Mileva's last portrait

Mileva’s last portrait


  1. I am so sorry. You did what was best for Mileva, but I know it was hard and I know it hurt. Losing a beloved pet is always difficult.. She did have a good life. There is some comfort in that.