So many thanks

Today Chris came out and helped us pick up pretty rocks. Not things we needed – not things that had to be removed to keep faith with the contract. Just things we wanted to have. And it wasn’t a big deal to coordinate – we asked, he said sure.

We have had such amazing help during this last year.

When everything first happened, my colleagues at work – and in particular my boss – were nothing but supportive. And more than just letting me take time off as needed. So many people asked caring questions, listened to me, checked in on progress. I got the feeling some of them would have come to the funeral, if I’d asked.

Joseph’s friends really stepped up. They came out and packed and carried and hauled; they watched Eleanor – and they called and talked and listened and made sure he had their full support. There are tales of people feeling isolated and set apart by grief and circumstances; the absolute opposite happened here. There were times that I would just feel overwhelming gratitude that we had such amazing generous friends.

And my family – I know I’m talking to you guys here, and it’s a little awkward to tell your gratitude to someone directly … but oh, you guys. We could not have had more, or better, support. Chris has come out multiple times to do major heavy lifting moving things that we very literally could not have moved without help. Christina who has watched Eleanor and who has been the absolute epitome of an active listener. It has all helped so very, very much.

And Mom & Dad. Where would we have been without you? The only reason it has been possible to clear the ranch is that you’re letting us hold so much of it at your place. Without that option, we would have lost so much that would have hurt so badly to lose. Mom who has taken Eleanor every week, often multiple days a week, keeping Eleanor on an even keel in those first awful months when we were falling apart and now again in these last critical weeks. And in the middle, the constant known date that we could just pause and breathe – that has been the biggest thing keeping us in any equilibrium throughout the year.

Dad, who has come out every weekend of late; who has stuffed his very new garage that he had barely even started to enjoy. Who has appreciated these things that Joseph’s dad appreciated; that Joseph himself appreciates. The loan of the trailer; the option to fill up two trucks; the help deciding each thing that would stay or go there in the shop – even just the expertise in tying down a load securely. We could not have done this half so well, and in many senses we could not have done it at all, without you.

Thank you all. We are truly indebted to you, and will always be grateful.

One comment

  1. Thank you, Ramona, for appreciating so eloquently. I am glad I am really helping. Keeping Eleanor is, of course, a delightful way to help. – “Here, Mom, you can help by playing all day.”