Divine Reserve

St. Arnold’s Divine Reserve #4 is coming out on March 1st!

MMmmmmm… I hear austin might actually get some bottles this time… But the question I have is: Dad, you going to get a case of it?

‘Cause it’s a scottish ale… can’t go wrong with that. I’d buy a pack or two from you if you did buy some there in houston…


  1. divine reserve: would love to have 2, would take more if available.

    bock: depends on if ya’ll want to have any around when we move… just a six pack for ourselves.

  2. / chris does happy dance

    it’s out! it’s out

    and one of the regular stores around here is, indeed, selling it by the bottle with a two bottle limit

    but rumor indicates there may be a store around here selling without a limit… will check into this soon

  3. And we found a store that did sell the Divine #4, and we brought it home, and opened a bottle.

    The color is dark, and after a taste we decided it was good.

    And so we returned to the store and bought more.

    There might be something kinda silly about buying lots’o’Divine, but I’m going to enjoy every silly bottle of it. (discounting, of course, the bottles that Christina and others enjoy)