Resolution check

OK, quarterly check up … how are everyone’s January resolutions going?

From looking at the first post, we had entries from Mom, Ramona (hey, that’s me 😯 ) and Chris.

Ramona said she’d like to increase her upper body strength and overall conditioning.
Mom said she’d like to diet/exercise/eat healthy, paint house, have ceiling done, and clear sewing room.
Chris said he’d like to increase overall fitness, keep a journal, read more, declutter, and clean more often.

So – how’s everyone doing?

On my side, I’ve been OK about going to the gym, but OKs as good as I get. Don’t know how I’m doing on overall conditioning, but I haven’t really progressed on the upper body strength thing. I have just signed up at a rock climbing wall, though, and that tends to keep me more interested.

So I’d say my own progress is minimal.


  1. Sadly, less than minimal here. I am painting the sewing room and whein finish i will be able to put it together a little better. (I have gained a closet! 🙂 ) But as for the rest of it…. i am not doing well at all.

  2. Oiy.

    I haven’t really been working out, but my pants are fitting loose these days. I think the physical activity of moving is my workout right now.

    Journal…. yeah, that’s not working out right now. No time.

    Finally managed to get a new book, about 70 pages into it. Only reason I got it was we took a bunch of books up to HalfPrice to sell and I picked it up while we wait for our offer.

    Cleaning has been happening a little more often, but still need to work on it.