Got a Job

Long ago when the world was still fresh .. .. .

er, when I graduated from college I had an interview; my first in person interview. I thought that I would be such a great fit for the job that I would have an offer in a week or so. After a few calls, e-mails, and weeks of waiting I moved on to other prospects.

Interviews came and went. I had a few that I thought would come through. Nothing did.

Six months passed by. Still nothing.

Then it came time to move from the apartment. I was packing up everything, getting ready to shut down and pack up my computer and an e-mail arrived. Not quoting, but the e-mail asked if I was still available as the company was expanding and they needed more people. A few phone calls later I had a job offer. I talked with my wife; accepted the next day.

Fast forward a week and I have found a place to rent close to where I’ll be working. I am looking forward to being in the Austin area. My sister (hello!) loved living there and, so long as I avoid certain university grounds, I think I will enjoy the area as well. And, ok, I think I will enjoy wearing my class ring all the more in the area. The reactions I’ve gotten from some people in the area (who I’m sure were from the other university) are priceless. Ah, I digress.

The job itself is a support and programming position. I get to support clients by making changes to the code base. In the future I will travel to client sites, make presentations to clients, and even more stuff that I will learn about later. It is a small company so I know I will be doing a touch of everything as time goes on. In any case, I will enjoy the challenges that this position brings.

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