Thursday 8th

Mostly a frustrating day. I went to the pool this morning and learned that my favorite instructor is quitting in 3 weeks. I will miss her. All the other instructors are obviously bored with the stretching and flexing we need, and do not lead a class that is challenging or interesting.

Class was frustrating because the pool was so full. The first 30 minutes there were only 2 or 3 swimming classes. The second 30 minutes there were 2 or 3 swimming classes, several parents who were teaching their own children and cutting thru our walking space like it had been allotted to them, and a physical therapy group occupying roughly the same space we were using. There was also a bunch of kids in the deep end, so it would not have been any better in the deep water.

Summer pool use is frustrating. The Y needs money; they schedule things in our time slot all the time. They do not do this to the other classes. I guess they figure all we are doing is walking while the other classes are jumping around to loud music. Perhaps that makes them a more real class. I wish i liked the earlier class, but i don’t. Jumping around hurts my knees, even though i am jumping in the water, and nobody can keep up with the music, which does not seem to bother anyone else, but it bothers me. The volume also bothers me. I do not understand why exercise music must be so blasted loud.

But there was one good thing at the pool… a conversation with another walker. She joined weight watchers about 6 months ago and has lost 50 pounds. She talked about how she edged into the diet and how, now that she is used to it, she is not hungry. She likes the point system they have for their food, and she likes that you lose slowly. It was a good conversation.

The rest of the day was spent in pursuit of a swim suit. Mine gave way in a big way this morning. I doubt if i could wear it again. I thought i might try tomorrow because i love Fridays. Fridays there are no swimming lessons! Then i remembered that Monday was a holiday so Friday will be the make-up day. I think tomorrow i will stay home and try to re-make my suit again.

They must put alot of chlorine in the water. My swim suits disintegrate at a speed I have never before experienced.

I did not find a suit. I came home and found the site of the manufacturer of my current suit. They have a well laid out site. They do not sell their suits, but they have pictures of each suit they make and link each suit to every store that sells it and they link each style to similar styles. I spent a while following links and did not find a single suit i could order.

I looked on ebay and found one suit that is possible. It is a different brand. I have learned that different brands may be too short from my last series of suits purchased thru ebay (none of which worked for me). I wrote to the seller asking her to measure here and there, If it is long enough i will buy it.

But the only sure thing i can do, i will do tomorrow. I will cut the ragged remains of my old inner suit away from the outer “dress,” and replace it with the inner suit from a suit i bought on ebay last time around. This ebay suit has a sheer ruffly outer dress. I would feel so silly in it, but more than that, the purpose of the dress is to make my shape a little less well defined, and that sheer does not hide a thing. It did not look sheer in the picture on ebay, and sheerness was not mentioned in the description. I thought about sending the darn thing back and demanding my money, but the under suit fits and is a color that i could wear under my current suit.

The outer skirt on my current suit shows no effects of chlorine for some reason. I would think it was that it is loose, but the inner suit is not tight and what happens to it has nothing to do with stretching and everything to do with rotting.

Anyway…….. frustrating day, but i am not without hope for next week.

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