Well obviously i do not know how to share a photo… I just posted a blank message, expecting Luke’s new haircut to be there….. Instruct me.

Even a Haircut goes better with Bock


  1. step one: upload the photo somewhere. (you could use thewhitefamilytree if you wanted)

    step two: link to it. [< ] img src= " URL " [>]

    (minus the [] of course)

    and that should do it.

  2. oh… there is a place under the message writing place that invites you to upload… i assumed it was done there.

  3. you can use that too

    there is a ‘browse’ button to find the file you want to upload, similiar to the cpanel upload of files.

    Once the file uploads you should see a thumbnail of it; click on the thumbnail and you should get an option to ‘send to editor’. that will put the image in the post.

  4. OK …. so my brother’s going into pro wrestling and my Dad is becomming a monk. Or, considering the props, perhaps he’s become a saint.

    Too funny.

    You both look … different. 🙂

  5. I’ll have to tell your dad he looks like a saint. 🙂

    Chris, I tried to upload a picture on the white site and it won’t upload. It said it could not create a directory named “whatever” so i created it. It still can’t upload. It asks “Is its parent directory writable by the server?” I suspect there is a setting but i can’t find it.

  6. ‘Is it’s parent directory writable by the server”

    that is definatly a permissions issue. Ok, I believe you can follow these instructions..

    Open cpanel
    open the file manager
    find the parent folder (wordpress install directory/wp-content , I’m guessing)
    click on it (but don’t open it)
    on the right side menu (were you could change it’s name) there is an option to ‘change permissions’.. .. you want to set it writable for user and group, maybe world.

    then uploads should work