Diet thoughts

I have had a moment of clarity.  These places that offer stomach altering surgery say it is for those who have tried diets and have not been able to lose weight.  People are always saying that they tried diet after diet and nothing worked.  I have always thought that they meant that they followed the diets and did not get the results, and have not believed them.  Moment of clarity.  They tried the diets but were unable to stick with them, so they didn’t work.  Looking at it that way i have tried and failed hundreds of times.  I don’t try to follow a particular diet, i try to eat right or eat healthy, but it is the same thing.  Stomach altering works because it physically forces the person to stay in the diet.  (Though i have heard of some who manage to gain the weight back because the stomach does stretch.)

Not that i am ready for the surgery…  There are too many risk factors.  But (I have read about it) the one i would choose is called lap band or something like that.  They band around the top of the stomach creating a small pouch with a small passage into the rest of the stomach.  It takes little to fill the small pouch and you cannot eat any more till the pouch empties into the rest of your stomach.  The doctor can go in and remove or adjust the band later.  I like that this one allows you to digest food normally.  I like that your stomach will naturally shrink and that the band can be removed later.

Of course, there are possible complications, though there are fewer long term complications.  There are the usual complications associated with any surgery, and the stomach does not always respond well to being banded.

You can see i have thought about it.

I have been reading this morning about eating disorders.  I am a compulsive overeater and a binge eater.  They say that the root of these disorders is emotional.  (of course)  But, ad Dr Phil points out, sometimes we start a behavior for one reason and continue it for another.  I read about the emotions that make us eat and i can see me in there…   or me like i was, but not me like i am today.  I think today i eat because, in random order:
1) I like food

2) I am tired

3) I am bored

4) Habit

5) I have a hard time getting started on what i plan to do so i have periods of limbo when i am more likely to eat.

Sigh………   I have written enough.   Have more thoughts……   but no more inclination to talk about them.


  1. I have heard many positive things about the lap band as compared to other surgical options. One is being what you talked about…that it allows for adjustment and removal.

    But as with that kind of surgery…gotta stick with it too and take your supplements. (ew but good…i know of some really great brands other than shaklee now, not that they are bad…)

    I think that part of being successful in lifestyle changes that result in weight loss and keeping it off (note i am not saying diet…this is a long term thing) is figuring out part of why (cringe with a Dr. Phil-ism) it is working for you. I don’t agree with alot of what the man says, but I think there is a valid point there. If it didn’t somehow fulfill some need/want/etc, we wouldn’t do it. Figuring out why we’re participating in behavior that is self destructive and then coming up with/executing a plan to change that behavior is a big part of it too.

    I hope that you always like food. If you stop liking food…I’m taking you to the doctor myself. Food is a big need very primal. Learning to make good nutritional choices…well that’s another thing and it can be hard to chose the salad and grilled meat when you really want that chicken fried steak and fried okra with mashed potatoes and cream gravy. It can be worked on…and I think this is part of how doing weight watchers has helped. It puts food in a different light…think about why low point foods are low point. What lowers point value in a meal, what raises it. Think about bang for your buck…nutritionally some foods are really packed with good things and calorie wise are a better choice than another food. And yes you should have that piece of pie, cake, candy but not all the time.

    But many of the other things you have talked about here are things that can be worked on… these are things you have to work on alot on your own…but certainly can be done =)

  2. Reading online… Found interesting articles…. still reading.

    Marking the ones that apply… interesting…

    Compulsive Overeating/Binge Eating Disorder

    >>>1. Fear of not being able to control eating, and while eating, not being able to stop.<>>2. Isolation. Fear of eating around and with others.
    3. Chronic dieting on a variety of popular diet plans.
    >>>4. Holding the belief that life will be better if they can lose weight.< <<<<<<<<< >>>5. hiding food in strange places (closets, cabinets, suitcases, under the bed) to eat at a later time.
    >>>6. Vague or secretive eating patterns.
    >>>>7. Self-defeating statements after food consumption. (Over-consumption only)< < >>>>8. Blames failure in social and professional community on weight.< <<< >9. Holding the belief that food is their only friend.
    >>>10. Frequently out of breath after relatively light activities.< <<< >>>11. Excessive sweating and shortness of breath.< <<< >>>12. High blood pressure and/or cholesterol.< <<< >>>13. Leg and joint pain.< <<< >>>>14. Weight gain.< <<<< >>>>15. Decreased mobility due to weight gain.< <<< >>>17. Mood swings. Depression. Fatigue.< < >>>18. Insomnia. Poor Sleeping Habits.<<<< PS It occurred to me after i posted this that i am thinking if how i have been and felt over the last 30 years, not right now. I want to say how i feel now... So before is how strong the statement is with me over years, and after is how i feel now...

  3. In answer to you, christina, you make very good points… I have read what you said twice now…

    But wanted to say that I like the way you enjoy food. It is refreshing to find a female who really enjoys the flavor of food and makes no bones about it. It is honest of you… I have enjoyed food but I have always felt very self conscious about saying so.