Christmas list

Luke wants to have a Christmas List online that he can open easily and edit without using html. I have experimented and think I have found a way for him to do this.

If he writes his list as a message and i make a link to that message it opens the message only (and the form for comments). The only problem is that he cannot edit from that page. However, if i create a new category, “Luke” or “Luke’s Christmas List” or “Dad” or whatever, he can bookmark the category and if his list is the only thing in the category, it would be easy for him to find and edit.

So…. I think the category idea is the way to go… and then bookmark the category or the page so he can have a Christmas list link up there With Chris’s Christmas list link.

Chris, do you mind my messing with the message board this way? I do not think you will so i am going to go ahead with it before I hear from you if your dad wants to work on his list…


  1. Actually, I’d probably go for a ‘page’, like the wishlist I have up here.

    When I open it there is an option for ‘edit this entry’ on the bottom. You can edit pages just like they were posts.

    My reason for suggesting this is simple: easier to find a page than search for a post. (even if it is in it’s own category; that’s an extra click..)

  2. will do….

    Funny thing is, i found “page” a few months ago and knew it was there, but I looked for it recently when i wanted to put a general message on my board and could not find it. Of course i did not remember what it was called. It is good to find it again.

    I am going to use that “page” for my wishilst too…  at least that is the plan right now.