Christmas Eve Gift

OK, we are going to call this Christmas Eve “Tool Time” and mix up the rules a little. No drawing names, guys give to guys and girls give to girls.

We all use tools and we all have favorite tools that are, perhaps, a little unusual. It might be a tool made for something you like to do, but find you use for more than what it is intended for. It might be something that has proven handy for jobs you know the other 2 do also. (You have to give the same tool to both.)

Now a tool does not have to come from a hardware store. There are mechanic tools, cooking tools, sewing tools, sports tools, hobby tools; this can be any kind of tool.

So think about the small tools you use that you think the other 2 would like but do not have, and give one of them to both.

The one drawback to this plan is that it does not include Aleah, but she is a little young to use tools yet, unless you count a rattle or a music box.  She can be part of the girls exchange, but probably it’s best that she do that as partners with her mom.


  1. ok…

    i have ideas… but don’t think everyone else needs a chewy teether or bar towel (used for spit up)

  2. In reply to all of the above posts in order of their occurance:

    Ramona – Yes it is different, not original but different.

    Christina – If you found the chewy teether to be personnaly useful it qualifies but only if you were the one actually using it. Subtle hints concerning Aleah would be appreciated; like GET HER A ——SIZE —-

    Chris – Great thought, how close do you have to be to get the wooden slug into their heart??? A note on the computer that says go to this site is a reference but probably doesn’t qualify, however if it is a book of useful but obscure facts that you have found to be useful in general, then it does qualify.

  3. I just wanted to say that I don’t bother getting wooden slug shots; I just go with the headshot. Can’t do anything more when they don’t have anything left to eat thine brains with!

    On a serious note, I have my gifts, just need to send them out…