Today’s visit

Went to see Chris and family today. It was good… very good. Aleah smiled so big when i got there that i choose to believe she remembered me from 2 days ago. 😀 She is such a sweetie. And so expressive!!! I have not been around babies in a while so maybe my memory is flawed, but I believe she communicates exceptionally well. You can hear what she is thinking in her tones. Sadly, Christina is resistant to the idea of moving to the house across the street. 🙂 Happily, my trip to the chiropractor in San Antonio and on to Austin worked our well enough that for a while i will have a good excuse to go up there more often.

I got up this morning at 5:30 and decided it was time. I have been talking about doing this for a while. The trip there was great. Traffic was fast and the temperature was wonderful. I had no trouble with sleepiness.

Drove to Austin from San Antonio with no problem.

Drove home… just outside of Austin i got sleepy, and quickly sleepier, seriously, dangerously, sleepier. Twice I had that head-drop wake-up as i drove. Scared me. I would have gone back and napped but it was too far. I was dangerous on the road. I turned up the radio, opened the windows, and pushed a little further to Bastrop where I pulled into the Wendy’s parking lot. I made sure the car doors were locked and reclined enough so my head would not fall forward but hopefully not so much i would look odd at a casual glance. (Fortunately it was cool enough that i was comfortable with the windows rolled up.) I closed my eyes, and fell instantly asleep, started awake. remembered i was not driving. fell asleep, started awake, remembered i was not driving, ditto again, and then finally dozed for a few minutes. I did not feel like i had been fully asleep, but the few minutes had refreshed me sufficiently that i thought i was ok to drive. I looked at the clock and was surprised to see i had slept for an hour and 15 minutes. Methinks i slept more soundly than i thought.

Drove the rest of the way alert.

I think if i do this as a one-day trip again i will try to nap before i leave Austin.

Is that offer of an overnight when i go to the chiropractor still open?

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