
OH! Look at the NWS for Colorado – we’re under a BLIZZARD warning!

Do any of you guys have camera phones? I wish there was some way to get pictures to you.

I just saw a little baby tumbleweed (yes, we have tumbleweeds) skittering down the snow covered street. Too funny.

Looking out the window, I have a visibility of 5-8 houses. The wind sounds just like blizzard winds sound, whistling through the trees and blowing this dry snow everywhere – it acts and sounds like sand.

On the back porch, there’s a clear, wind swept patch next to a foot+ drift. Open the front door, and the snow is stacked about 5″ deep. The steps leading up to my (and everyone elses’) house are covered, particularly the first step. I know where the road is, but can’t see the curbs to make sure. And between my house and my neighbor, the wind has swept the ground almost completely clear.

Oh, I WISH I could share pictures!!

It is just so wild to watch and hear all this. We’re under a blizzard warning through noon tomorrow – can you imagine?

Just saw a prius drive past – the snow is so dry and so drifted that as cars drive past, they kick up snow in clouds.

You can see the wind most on the roofs – some angles are swept clear, some are piling it on – seems like each house is different. It is wild; it is just wild.

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OK, you can’t tell a thing from the pictures. I hoped .. but they’re too small. Cell phones are not cameras.

Picture 1 is from my office window, looking towards the front porch. The smudge on the lower left is a bush.

Picture 2 is looking out the front door towards the neighborhood greenspace. There are 6 steps (three long, three short) from the door to the sidewalk. You can see the edge of one of them.

Picture 3 is the drift outside the patio. It is deep & keeps getting deeper.
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Picture 4 – the grill, the low side of the drift, and past the grill – the bare ground where the wind keeps anything from accumulating.
Picture 5 – the drift, picture taken sitting down inside the door – you can see the accumulation up to the door. The light siding is at about waist level.


  1. The cats don’t know their danger. The one drift on our patio is now easily deeper than the cats are tall. Hmm…. what to do with a drift, one step outside the back door, that is deeper than a cat … hmmmmm

    Run, Mileva, Run!! No, not to the lap! Aughhhh!!!!!

  2. And before Kevin comes home, I’m going to shovel the driveway!

    The big drift outside is now – conservatively – over my knees. All the noon weather people were saying 2 to 3 FEET of snow in the area.


    I’ll check in with everyone after I shovel. 🙂

  3. Just finished shovelling the driveway. A few observations:

    1. I am the best wife, EVER.
    2. ‘Biting’ snow is not a metaphor.
    3. The drift outside the patio is at least waist deep now. The piles on either side of the driveway are deeper.
    4. Shoveling while it’s still snowing is necessary at times, but it is also really stupid.
    5. Polertec is wonderful material.
    6. I need better gloves.

    There are about 15 cars “parked” outside right now. Most of them are near a curb, and the intrepid males are trying to dig some of the others out.

    There was snow inside the garage when I went out. Had trouble closing the garage door when I finished – finally figured it was because snow had obscured the security sensor.

    It looks like this one guy is trying to shovel his truck out without any gloves on. I wonder if he’d accept help (or supplies, ie gloves) from a girl. Well, no, now two other guys are helping him .. he’s unstuck – stuck again – they’re having to push the truck, without momentum he just can’t get going.

    Called Kevin & told him to come home.


    shizzle, that is alot of SNOW

    yes i do have a camera phone, but we don’t have the service to recieve pictures (they are way too proud of that). it sends us a txt message though saying we have a picture and can go look at it online. we get charged for the txt message only iirc.

    stay warm, place warnings for the cats “you SHALL NOT pass. mortal danger ahead”

    so what do you do when you are trapped inside during a blizzard?? i know people that used to get old cars and rebuild them during the winter when they were snowed in…granted this was in minnesota or wisconsin… but still… what does one do with oneself

    and yes you are the best wife ever for shoveling the drive. the best i could do would be to bundle aleah up in the sling and attempt to make a path.

  5. And Kevin is finally home!

    Jeep got stuck (so much for my shoveled driveway) and he had to walk. Called & told me; I started shovelling the front.

    He was about 1/3 of the way home (it’s about a mile) when some nice person picked him up and drove him here. I had not quite finished all the steps.

    But now we are all here and indoors with light & heat & food.

    Now for the fun!

  6. Glad Kevin made it back.

    When will ya’ll be able to retrieve his Jeep? Is it snow-bound on the side of the road somewhere?

    Just as long as the power doesn’t go out…