Christmas and the diet

I heard somewhere that the average person gains 6 pounds over the holidays. I assume that means from Thanksgiving to New Years. I joined LA the week before Thanksgiving and it is now the day before Christmas. I have lost 10 pounds as of Friday. I probably have gained a bit of that back today. Today has not been a good dieting day. But I think that by the end of “the holiday season” i will have lost a little over 10 pounds. It is not how much i wanted to lose by this time (not quite to where i was by this time last year) but it is good to have made it thru another holiday season losing instead of gaining, even though what i have lost was all gained this year after i went off last year’s diet.


  1. Our gym is plastered with posters for their ‘Maintain Don’t Gain’ holiday program – weigh in the week before Thanksgiving and the week after New Years, so yeah; the weight-gain holidays are November & December.

    To have lost weight during this period is impressive. I’m sure it’s because you’re hyperaware of all the pitfalls that surround you. It’s hard to maintain that awareness, particularly when the pitfalls are fewer and less obvious.

    So …. congratulations, and keep slugging.