Quick question…

Could ya’ll go to the main page of 4101.org and tell me if the two ‘why’ links work for you?

I’m trying out something new and figured the best way to get feedback is to ask some people, so consider yourselves asked!


  1. Both of them toggle the text window, either expanding or contracting it as appropriate. As far as I can tell, the formatting is the same for why and why2.

    Looks very snazzy as is, though. You should so totally have my job.

  2. nah, you should check out jQuery. (http://jquery.com/)

    the code for that effect, aside from the html div tags/ css classes, is just the following javascript via jquery engine:

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $(".silentlink").click( function() {

    function showwhy() {

    (and sorry for the formatting; this comment thingy doesn’t do well with code…)

  3. oh, and there is a minor difference in the animation if you can catch it:

    the why link is a strait drop down, the text is just ‘there’.

    the why2 link is strait drop down, but the text floats in from the left side. (and does a bit of a fade too)

  4. Oh, I do see the float. It’s really fast – so much so that I hadn’t registered it as a deliberate effect.

    If you like the float/fade, I’d slow it down just a smidge. Not much, I don’t like floats that take forever to get into place, but a little. Or if you don’t like it but were just seeing if that part of the script/style worked .. well, it does. Fun stuff.

  5. the only problem I’ve seen with it is when you click the link before the effect finishes. I don’t know this for sure, but I believe the DOM Element gets polled for its current state (display hidden/block) before the effect finishes, and the effect only sets the DOM Element status when the effect is finished….

    So, if you click it twice, fast, it gets the ‘open me’ command twice… and the browser does that twice… which means, for the second command, it starts it all over again. (from closed state to open state). That makes it look funny. It is easy to make it do this when the effect is slower, hence why I have it running pretty fast.

    Great fun when you start clicking the link over and over…. it gets jumpy.

    All that aside, I don’t think this issue would be avoided by me writing the effect directly. I believe it is more to do with javascript in general.

  6. Seems you 2 have it all worked out, but i will answer the question as well. Both drop downs worked… i did not notice the difference till i read what you said about it and went back an looked. I agree that if you are going to make the text move it needs to be slower if you want it to look deliberate, and i prefer my text to stay still (but then i am an old lady 🙂 )

    It is a cool effect, the drop down for further information. One day i may try it (if i can figure out a reason to). I assume you can put another link in the drop down?