Reasons to love working at home

One of the things I love about my job is the ability to work from home.  When the weather went bad this week everyone did exactly that; so I started thinking about what I liked the best about working from home.  So, the top ten list:

  1. Pants are optional
  2. No need to shave
  3. Being able to stay warm under a blanket
  4. Free access to liquor cabinet (one glass of scotch over ~5 hours)
  5. No need for shoes
  6. Snacks any time (at least, if we have them)
  7. Listen to music if I want without worrying about co-workers
  8. Full size window view instead of window across the hall view (ooo… snow flakes!  well, for a little while anyway)
  9. Able to visit/hold baby whenever
  10. Hugs and kisses from wife all day

How about ya’ll?


  1. I love working from home because:

    1. It’s the first time I’ve had an office with a window.
    2. The cat-on-lap stress reduction feature
    3. The morning/afternoon communte time is unbeatable.
    4. I don’t have to worry about what the weather might do in the afternoon.
    5. Packing a lunch is super-easy.
    6. Snacks any time (if we have them).
    7. Ability to read & post to family site at any time
    8. Don’t have to worry about dashing home to meet the repair/install people (that a larger factor when you’re moving, trust me)
    9. Gas expenses are waay down
    10. Can do much more in the way of desk stretches (I can even do floor stretches after a very long task, if I choose).

  2. 1. Elimination of worry when the weather is bad
    2. Freedom to call in the middle of the day without wondering if i will get you in trouble with the boss
    3. Your freedom to call and share even the little things at any time of day

  3. But there is a downside. There’s no vending machine, and thus no reliable source of mid-day chocolate.

    Why is there no chocolate in this house??!