Divine Reserve

St. Arnold’s Divine Reserve #4 is coming out on March 1st!

MMmmmmm… I hear austin might actually get some bottles this time… But the question I have is: Dad, you going to get a case of it?

‘Cause it’s a scottish ale… can’t go wrong with that. I’d buy a pack or two from you if you did buy some there in houston…

FYI: Site has been updated

Most of it shouldn’t be any different, but you might notice a few things working faster and such. I know the ‘fancy’ editor for making posts has defaulted to ‘off’, so if you had it on before you need to make an update in your user settings.

Otherwise, just a notice that things are updated around here.

Semi-guided tour

Kevin is going to Ohio this weekend – so he asked that I put together some pictures of the house we’re in now. And I actually did! Imagine that.

Put together a powerpoint slide show. And thought it was so fascinating that every else would want to look at it 😉

It is at http://ramona.4101.org/Tour.ppt. Warning – it is a large file (10MB).


why don’t they make pearsauce in adult size containers??

ok, i’ll admit… i like the flavor of pears, but the texture of the fruit just … yeah no. i think it comes from an experiment my psycho 2nd grade teacher did on us where you hold a piece of apple/pear up to the nose and put the opposite fruit in the person’s mouth. so i smelled an apple and got a nasty, mealy, gritty pear…ever since then i’ve been burned on them.

but we’re trying to get Aleah interested in solids (haha hahaha oh boy that’s rich). our little milkaholic would prefer to keep it that way, thank you very much. however, smashed steamed sweet potatoes ok… at least they are fun to play with (and sometimes eat). pearsauce has found the same fate as the sweet potato. so of course i tried the stuff…it’s good and since it’s all ground up that whole yucky texture thing is not an issue.

but there is no pearsauce on the shelf next to the natural (we don’t need no stinkin sugar added) applesauce. what gives? once you start eating bites of food, pureed pears are no longer fair game? i guess i’ll be shopping in the gerber section for my pear needs. besides pears have way more nutritional value than apples… pears are a great source of potassium among other things (and don’t have the acidity of oranges or the intestinal issues that bananas induce)!

Pre-writing posts

This is more of a test than anything else.

I’ve been looking into ways of posting stuff, but doing it in such a way that it doesn’t show up on the day I write it.  (since I have have a habit of posting things in groups, not on a daily basis).

I believe I have found a way of doing it; if it works, this will show up on Thursday even though it was written on Wednesday.

Maybe someone will see the blog on wednesday and then on thrusday so they’ll be able to verify that the post did, in fact, show up later than it was written.

Work just got more interesting

When I started another developer had their last day.  I believe I was his replacement, more or less.
A few months ago (4? 5?) another developer left to go across the country; he gave no notice.  (really; he just left one day and told everyone he wasn’t coming back.)   A couple months after that, we hired a new guy.  Life was better, work got distributed.

Then it was announced the office secretary/ front line customer support/ general financial wiz lady was heading off for other opportunities…. in may.  So we’ve had a good 5 months to get someone to fill her role. (and the new lady is doing great)

Well, that new guy above?  He’s leaving… apparently, coding just isn’t his thing anymore.  I asked him about it and he said that he just doesn’t have any fun with it anymore, so he isn’t going to keep working in a field he doesn’t enjoy.  Great for him (his commute here was certainly a long one), but now work just got more interesting. I’m volunteering to take over one of his larger projects, and I get back the projects I’d handed off to him.  So life is going to be interesting in the near future.

Getting into a house

I believe everyone here knows that we’re close to getting into a house. I’ve talked about it with just about everyone, but nobody has seen the place. So, here’s a few shots:

This is the front, shot at night with intent to show off the color of the brick. I think it looks better in person and the shot would have come out better if it wasn’t done at night.

front of building

Next up is a shot taken from stepping inside the front door. The living room will fit our furature nicely, we like the open kitchen/dining room. Our fish tank will be going on the farthest wall in the picture, in the dining room.

entry picture

As a compairison shot, this is one alternative brick style that we saw… and didn’t like. The red above is just so much more appealing to us.

drab brick

Anyway, that is a few shots. We have others, but I’m sure they aren’t that interesting to everyone else.

Baby Pictures

Since we just can’t have enough of them, I figured I’d post a few recent pictures of the little one.

First up is a picture that was taken a few weeks ago when we got the loads of ice dropped on the city. We figured it was a good time to try on some of the new clothes we had for the little girl; she had some fun with it too:

baby aleah in a jacket

And, a few days ago when she took a nap.

sleeping baby

Of course, there is still the classic dinner time picture…

dinner time