Another one bites the dust

Maybe that sounds a little dramatic. Still, another developer has left the company. I haven’t talked to him directly, but I believe there are a few things around here we are not doing that he really wanted us to be doing that pushed him out the door. We don’t have strict code source control, we don’t have individual sandboxed developer spaces, we don’t use an SQL based database, and he got stuck with doing most of the document creation work. Ok, that last bit isn’t so bad, it is just a boring yet necessary part of the business.

Most of his reasons are things I’d put in the ‘nice but not necessary’ category, although some people would argue the other way with it. Some of them are things that have actually been worked on in the past, but have been put to the side for techncal or time reasons.

Anyway, I have been told that the company is going to start seeking more developers in a more agressive manner than in the past. We can handle the workload as-is, but having a few extras would certainly help things out. I am sure the next few weeks are going to be interesting as we adjust to workload changes.

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