Going in..

So. Tomorrow is the big day.

Nervous, scared – not quite sure of what, but just that it’s surgery .. that I’ve never been ‘in surgery’ like this before. And I want them to find something, but on the other hand I don’t want them to find anything too serious .. some of their ‘comforting’ comments have being growing all out of proportion in my mind .. we all know how that goes.

I’ll let everyone know how it goes, though I won’t really know anything till the post-op appointment, which is another two weeks. But maybe it’ll be something obvious, and we’ll all know right away.

Anyway .. tomorrow noonish … send good thoughts ..


  1. FYI:

    talked to Ramona, she’s out of surgery and doing well. At least, as well as one is after they do an explorative surgery that turns into removing an appendix. Turns out Ramona’s had appendicitis for the past month. It just hasn’t gotten infected as it usually would, so nobody could figure out what the problem was.

    Anyway, she is recovering and I would not call her; I would wait for her to call you. Getting over the sedatives and general recovery makes rest the top priority.

  2. Well, it’s been about a week and I think I’m going to make it 🙂

    Last week I managed incremental progress each day .. Well, except Thursday. Wednesday I thought I could do things like get in a car and drive – Ha! paid for that by staying in bed all day Thursday. But this weekend I’ve been both up and dressed both days. So I guess it’s back to work on Monday.

    Which I’m actually looking forward to, as for the first time in over a month I feel I can really focus. There’s no mysterious ever-present pain to intrude on my thoughts and occasionally force me to go lie down – yes, there’s plenty of remaining discomfort in the same general area, but I know what it is, why it is, and that it will be going away on a predictable time table. Very happy.

    So, Dad, looks like I’ll be back to normal function – probably even wearing clothes with a waistband – before the end of the month. You?