Left or Right brained?

Everyone here has probably already seen it, but I’ll re-post it anyway.

This is an interesting quick test of which side of the brain you are using:  left/right brain

So, what side of the brain are you using?

Can you make it switch directions?


  1. When i first saw this it was spinning counter clockwise. With a little work i was able to get it to change directions. It looks so weird when it turns…. like it stops for a moment.

    Fascinated with it, i have been looking at it often and there does not seem to be a pattern. One time i will see her one way, and another time i will see her the other. For a while almost every time she was spinning clockwise and i thought that was primary, but now she is spinning counter clockwise most of the time.

    I have no idea whether i am right or left brained.

  2. FINALLY!!!

    The first time I ran across this, tried and tried. Long time. Then totally dismissed it. Figured it was not really what it claimed to be. She’s going counter clockwise, that’s all there was to it.

    Then Mom & I talked. She can get it to reverse. So I thought, next time Stumble brings me this page, I’ll go look. Then Mom posted it. 🙂

    Could not get that dancer to reverse. Looked at her feet, concentrated on a single area, unfocused my eyes, closed one eye … nothing. She’s going counter clockwise. And I was getting spots from holding my eye closed.

    I could get her to slow down .. even to pause. But never change direction.

    So I thought about it. Counter clockwise is left brain, which is right eye. I’m right eye dominant; the left eye is so weak it’s hardly used, particularly without glasses. With the astigmatism, with the profound fuzziness, I can easily tell which image is coming from the right eye and which from the left.

    So I took my glasses off and focused my attention totally on the left eye (right brain) image. Took ForEver, but lo and behold she changed directions.

    Then I looked with the other eye, got her to switch – image seemed to fully stop and switch directions.

    Reversed again & again. It’s hard, but I can do it.

    It has to be without glasses, and getting her to go clockwise takes lots of time and I still have to just focus on the foot .. but I can do it. Finally.

    I think it’s interesting that concentrating only on the input coming in through the right visual cortex is what did it for me. Or maybe I expected that to work so it finally did.

  3. ps .. for a split second, when I transition her to clockwise rotation – when I move from dominant processing to recessive processing – I’m still getting a low level visual cue from the right eye … and she seems to be going in both directions at once.

    It’s a really weird moment. And it seems to be weakening – as I get better at making the switch, the full transition happens more quickly.

  4. When I’ve been coding at work, the image is going counter-clockwise.

    When I’ve been relaxing or thinking about interesting new projects, clockwise.

    I can make it switch, but usually not when staring at the image. I’ll look away, try to think about something else, and look back: poof! the image has changed.