Had some time off recently…

And I split it up in a somewhat odd way. Thursday/Friday of last week, plus Tuesday/Wednesday this week. (Monday already being off)

Thursday/Friday were mostly spent cleaning house. Got the carpet cleaned, picked up a lot of stuff, caught up on laundry – all that good stuff. (though, if you walked in the house right now, you already can’t really tell… time to clean again!) Those days where mostly meant for relaxing and getting things done.

Then the weekend – which went to the folks. Good time, relaxed some more, and generally enjoyed watching the kids play with someone else for a few minutes. Socializing exposure, yay!

And then the Monday-Wednesday stretch. Well, I’ve been planning to get away for a while – started this plan a good month out, unknown to Christina. Now, to have a successful ‘away’ trip right now means we need support. Thought about it and decided to see if Christina’s folks would be interested in some time wandering ground far from Victoria.  (they have enough drama going down on Sean’s side of the family that a few days away can’t help but do good, so it wasn’t a hard sell)  Anywho, the other part about a good away trip is that it can’t be too far.  Donavan does not like riding in the car yet.  Did some looking and came across a place called “Zoo Exotics Resort”.

The Zoo Exotics place has a collection of animals (zebra, ostrich, emu, bison, gazelle, camel, etc) that wander around a good bit of land (used to be a ranch, I think).  They give tours through the place during the day and they have a petting zoo.  They also have some cabins in the middle of everything.  (fenced in – with a playscape, a pool, a lake for fishing, plenty of grills, and a nightly bonfire)

Spending some time in the middle of a ranch filled with interesting animals sounded good, so that’s where we spent Monday to Wednesday.  I’d say more, but I think the pictures are more interesting.  Link should take you off the flickr for larger versions.

Zoo Exotic Resort


  1. Nice pictures! I especially love that second one of Donavan; that’s a great shot. And the family group pics at the end are both nicely traditional shots – they’ll bring back memories from their place in the family photo albums.

  2. I like the second one, family group on the porch. That One should be framed. Sounds like you had a full weekend. Glad you ended with an interesting get-away for all.