Weekend plans

Ah; this weekend.

Long weekend, I thought. I will get so much done. I will get ahead in my class so I can really relax next weekend.

Friday we have to go into San Antonio to meet with the tax prep guy. Saturday is the birthday party. Sunday we’re out at the ranch. Monday we’re out at the ranch.

Class work? It is to laugh. House work? Well, we did almost clear the table and almost clean the kitchen, so sure. House work is done.

I wouldn’t choose to not do any of the things we did do; they were all either really fun or necessary. All of which is important. It’s just .. I really, really wanted to get ahead in the class. I’ve finally figured which website to do for my project, just not how I want to go about it, and it’s a massive project to consider for a single weekend. Sigh.

So …. today’s report.

Mary & Betty came to ranch with us. Eleanor latched onto them as if they were the only two people who ever interact with her. I was shoo’d away and shush’d so many times today – she wanted to have them all to herself. She knows what she wants, and has this purity in how she expresses it. It’s all utterly transparent.

Not like she used to be. She has discovered guile, and subterfuge, and disappointment. She doesn’t have that absolute openness of her infancy. But she’s still so straightforward about everything, and so confident in the result of a clearly expressed opinion. It is a lovely thing to watch. Even when the thing being watched – the request being expressed – is that I shoo.

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