Inaugural Coyote

We have a Looney Tunes DVD. We watched it. Eleanor’s very first encounter with Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Wiley Coyote … not all the characters, but a good core set.

It was fun watching her watch them. But the best one was Wiley Coyote.

She kept inching closer and closer to the TV. She was so focused. And then she started talking, very softly – I had to really pay attention to hear. He’d outline a plan; she’d whisper ‘no .. that won’t work..’ Over and over and over.

Then he fell off a cliff for about the 2nd or 3rd time. And with this slight air of resignation, she says ‘and he’s squished.’ Off the cliff – ‘(sigh) and he’s squished’. Opening ACME package .. ‘no ..that won’t work’. Exploding anvil – ‘and he’s squished’. Fake tunnel on cliff face – ‘that won’t work’. over and over.

The last time he fell off the cliff, after the cliff cracks off under him and with the anvil and probably something explosive to boot, she reached her hands out to the TV to catch him, and lowered him down to the ground. The she stepped back and the watched the cliff and the anvil and the TNT hit and said ‘and he’s squished.’

I am, of course, just about dying laughing. And loving my sweet girl.

She wasn’t devastated by the constant squishing. I think it was more the frustration that he kept trying things that she could already tell wouldn’t work.

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