
A while back Christina was making a purse and we were taking pictures of the parts. She asked for the shoulder strap, so I tossed it over to her. Aleah thought that was quite entertaining, so Christina put it on her head like a hat. This further delighted Aleah, so Christina left it there for a while.

Meanwhile, I was being the dutiful photographer. Having the macro lens meant I had a decent chance at getting a good shot in the low light of the living room. Christina looked over at one point and I got this shot which has become one of my favorites. I’ve even printed it up for putting on a wall, desk, or other display in the future.


  1. Glad you have Flicker up and running again. I like this photo too. You caught a moment….

  2. Sorry, sorry, sorry that I haven’t been posting! It’s been an off time.

    I love the way the yarn makes a little heart on Christina’s head. I think it is a very lovely mood shot, and a wonderful expression. This is the sort of photo that candid photography aims for .. and only gets once in 100 times, but it makes all those other 99 pictures worth it. (and those 99 shots sometimes have their uses …..)

    But yes, thank you for sharing here, and getting us tardy people to go look at the rest of the Flickr options. I like the shot of Aleah and the sunglasses. Your pictures are a real treat.

  3. You know, I totally missed the ‘heart’ in that shot.

    For most of my ‘keeper’ shots I have 10x ‘toss out’ shots.

    Thank goodness Lightroom lets me flag shots as keepers/tossers.