Tea – Yunnan Noir

A black tea from adagio. Their description:

Yunnan is a region in China known for growing large-leaf tea. High mountains covered by mist, clean water and rich soil form ideal growing conditions and contribute to the unique flavor of Yunnan black tea. Our Yunnan Noir is a hand-rolled version of this famous variety, with tightly rolled leaves into a “black snail” shape. The aroma is sweet with hints of honey and fruit. To the palate it is red wine-like with notes of fruit and cocoa and reveals an intense depth of character with each beguiling sip.

I’ll agree with the aroma and palate. There is a cocoa flavor amidst the earthy flavor that is unexpected. I’m enjoying this tea as a morning wake-up tea. Strong flavors make me think it works best alone as I can’t think of a breakfast food to pair this with.

This is a tea I’d keep around in some small supply.