Luke tangled with a bee

Luke went mowing yesterday and a bee got him. Fortunately he is not allergic and fortunately the one that landed near his ear canal didn’t sting. We took a couple of pictures and I cropped the daylights out of them but they are still big. I wanted to show you the swelling. You can see the sting right above his eyebrow. Also note the indentation made by his glasses.

I tell him that if he does not behave I am going to hit him again.

Had some time off recently…

And I split it up in a somewhat odd way. Thursday/Friday of last week, plus Tuesday/Wednesday this week. (Monday already being off)

Thursday/Friday were mostly spent cleaning house. Got the carpet cleaned, picked up a lot of stuff, caught up on laundry – all that good stuff. (though, if you walked in the house right now, you already can’t really tell… time to clean again!) Those days where mostly meant for relaxing and getting things done.

Then the weekend – which went to the folks. Good time, relaxed some more, and generally enjoyed watching the kids play with someone else for a few minutes. Socializing exposure, yay!

And then the Monday-Wednesday stretch. Well, I’ve been planning to get away for a while – started this plan a good month out, unknown to Christina. Now, to have a successful ‘away’ trip right now means we need support. Thought about it and decided to see if Christina’s folks would be interested in some time wandering ground far from Victoria.  (they have enough drama going down on Sean’s side of the family that a few days away can’t help but do good, so it wasn’t a hard sell)  Anywho, the other part about a good away trip is that it can’t be too far.  Donavan does not like riding in the car yet.  Did some looking and came across a place called “Zoo Exotics Resort”.

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I just watched a really, really good movie. The name is Ink – the website is Double Edge Films (they’re the production company). Anyway, the website has a couple of trailers. It’s an indy movie, so you won’t have heard of it.

Their website does a much better job of describing it without making it sound overly bizarre. So I recommend that you go there and watch the trailers. But here goes – In the world of our dreams, there are good guys – they deliver good dreams – and bad guys. Then there’s Ink, who wants to be one of the bad guys and has to kidnap and deliver a young girl out of the real world to the assembly of bad guys in the dream world in order to be accepted by them. And then the good guys try to get her back.

And there are plenty of violent fight scenes, and the plot is complicated, and they don’t tell you everything (but in a good way), and at the end I really cared about the pivotal character.

And I would sooo see it again and I hope they get an actual distributor and I recommend that everyone watch it when it’s eventually available on DVD.

I even liked it with the jumpy film techniques and the occasional stobe light sort of thing that did its very best to floor me with a massive headache. But I have taken a massive amount of Advil (I’m out of Relpax, curses!) and I didn’t watch the very jumpy parts and it was a Very good story.

Odd Bonk

OK, first, happy Odd Day to everyone.

Things to do on Odd Day: It’s a great day to do your odds ‘n ends, give a friend a high-five, root for the odds-on-favorite, read the Wizard of Odds, watch the Odd Couple, say aaaahd in the doctor’s office, look for sea odders, find that missing odd sock, and beat the odds

There’s a prize if you can out-odd that.

OK … now, since it was noticed, a report on Bonk.
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Missed the party, but I got the book.

Of old was an age
when was emptiness

And then they published!
Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun

The release party, including the book giveaways and conversation with Tom Shippey (who I don’t much care for as an author, but still) were all today. And I had to work. At home. Unsupervised.


But, dashed out the second the conscience let me, and got my copy. It is pristine. It has perfect edges. And my book covers are PACKED so I can’t COVER it so I can’t READ it cause I would Mess It Up.


But I have the book. The lovely, lovely book.

And this weekend, I went to the library, and checked out 4 books, one of which I read (Bonk, every bit as good as Stiff, but even more viscerally disturbing in sections), one of which (Dracula, the original Bram Stoker one, and it’s really pretty good) I’ll finish tonight, and two I have left to distract myself with (biography of Edgar Allen Poe, and This is Your Brain on Music).

If the library is all I have to distract myself with, I’ll be at the library a lot. Or I’ll just go get a pair of white gloves.

Travel travail

I was in North Carolina last week. Work trip.

United airlines – the federal carrier available from Denver to Raleigh – no longer has direct flights between Denver and Raleigh. The last trip I took was the last week they ran direct flights. This is my first time using them and having a transfer. I have to carry my work laptop – non-negotiable, and also, it has to be the carryon. Work travel means I’m checking my bag. No matter what.

So. Denver to Raleigh. Through Chicago. I try to print my boarding pass from home; no go. So, extra time for doing all that before hand. Seems to go smoothly. Flight runs a little late – no worries; semi-tight connection in Chicago but I walk fast. As it turns out, no need …. connection flight is delayed by an hour and some change. Get food. OK. Arrive in Raleigh, right about at midnight, but OK. Wait for my bag … uh huh. No bag.

So I wait till it’s totally obvious, then go to bag check. Get claim form. Do not get any overnight necessities. Sigh. Go wait for rental car. Wait for a looooooong time. Finally call them – and the rental car company closes at midnight. Joy! So, at airport, it’s 1:30 by now, and I have no car and no luggage. Oh well. Get a taxi. Hotel convenience shop has toothbrush.

Week is fine, though of course I have to do Casual Monday (I really missed having a hairbrush). Bag is delivered Monday afternoon. Week proceeds.

Next leg – Raleigh to Denver. Through Washington. So … see if this sounds familiar: There’s an hour delay, and then they lose my bag. !!!!

The spin this time is that the load us onto the plane, and then tell us it’s going to be an hour or so before we fly off. We haven’t even pulled away from the terminal. So we sit and sit .. people freaking out about connections, etc. But we go, we arrive … and the good news for me is, the plane to Denver is the exact plane I came in on. So I get off, get a muffin at Starbucks right across the way, and then get right back on the same plane.

And yet, they still managed to lose the luggage. Brilliant!

At least this time, I had my car, and I had a toothbrush – and a hairbrush – at home. But sheesh. Not the best luggage trip.