These are the color schemes we considered for the house……
lol OK, I used Photoshop (which i have again – YEA!) to try to see what the house would look like. It was so much fun we tried other color schemes.
I think the real one is obvious.. The colors are very true because these photos were actually taken after the house was painted to decide on the color for the doors. Luke replaced the garage door recently with a white door that is paintable but has a baked on enamel finish so he did not want to paint it. We had a choice: make the doors white to match the garage door or paint the garage door. We decided to go with the white doors.
After these were taken Luke changed the vents just under the peak of the roof to match the dark brown. Otherwise it is accurate. Perhaps i will add a 5th picture of the finished house if I think about it tomorrow.
We are not entirely happy with the colors (for different reasons). We are going to give ourselves 6 months to get used to it, then we will decide if we need to repaint.